Flash Flash Revolution Wiki
He's a Radical Rat
Song information
Album FX3[1][2][3]
Musician Samuel Ascher-Weiss
Released 2006[4]
Genre Contemporary
Classical Music
He's A Radical Rat
File information
Level number 1264
Step artist behanjc
Release date April 26th, 2009
Song length 2:56
Difficulty 78
Notecount 1927
NPS 2 to 22
BPM 60 to 210[5]
Category Secret

He's a Radical Rat is a song by Samuel Ascher-Weiss (Shnabubula) that was released on Virt's album FX3 in 2006. The song is an arrangement of Pizza Time by Virt and was recorded by Julio C. Pena.

AAA playthrough[]

