Flash Flash Revolution Wiki
Crazy Hair Day
Song information
Musician Chet Heflin
Released 2006[1]
Genre Jazzy Blues
Crazy Hair Day
File information
Level number 810
Step artist stargroup100
Release date December 9th, 2007
Song length 3:19
Difficulty 30
Notecount 905
NPS 1 to 11
BPM 102[2]
Category Misc

Crazy Hair Day is a song by Chet Heflin created in 2006.

According to the author :

The title of the song was inspired by "a special day when students and faculty do goofy things to their hair and arrive at school looking very silly.

In this MP3, the solo section has been expanded to three choruses, Garritan horns were added in the background, and my brother Dan plays a very cool cadenza at the end.

The mood of the day is reflected in this composition. The suggested sax solo is an adventure in inside-out playing, much like purple hair sticking straight up.

